June 5, 2021
Your weekly roundup of news and analysis of elections in the Americas, usually posted on Saturdays and occasionally updated throughout the week. For a full electoral calendar and interactive map, click here.
A bus in Aguas Calientes, Peru, the closest access point for Machu Picchu. Peru holds a crucial presidential election runoff on June 6. Photo credit: Wikimedia/Jennifrog (CC BY 2.0)
Upcoming Americas Elections
Peru Presidential Runoff: June 6, 2021
Peru held general elections for April 11, 2021. These elections are coming on the heels of snap legislative elections that took place on January 26, 2020, and in the context of political turmoil – including the impeachment of President Martín Vizcarra and the subsequent “week of three presidents” – and an economic crisis brought on by COVID-19.
The presidential runoff will pit self-described Marxist Pedro Castillo against right-wing populist Keiko Fujimori, daughter of former president Alberto Fujimori, who is currently in prison for various crimes (Keiko is also currently facing criminal charges). Castillo came out of nowhere to win the first round. However, none of the 18 candidates received more votes than the number of blank ballots cast – a sign of voters’ deep frustration. More
Camilo Gómez, BBC (June 5, 2021): Peru election: Country on edge ahead of unpredictable run-off
Ryan Dube, Wall Street Journal (June 5, 2021): Peru to Choose Far-Left Teacher or Right-Wing Politician as Next President
Patrick J. McDonnell, Los Angeles Times (June 5, 2021): Charges, communism, COVID-19 and a controversial name in Peruvian politics define an election
Mexico Legislative, Gubernatorial, and Local Elections: June 6, 2021
Mexico holds high-stakes midterm legislative elections, as well as gubernatorial elections in 15 of Mexico’s 31 states, and local elections, on June 6, 2021. In total, more than 21,000 offices are at stake – the biggest elections in Mexico’s history.
These elections will be a key test for left-wing populist firebrand Andrés Manuel López Obrador (frequently called AMLO) ahead of the 2024 presidential election. AMLO, who has been governing in an increasingly authoritarian manner, wants to transform Mexico by jettisoning the market economy. If he is to succeed, his MORENA party will need to win a super-majority in the legislature.
Meanwhile, political violence is on the rise, with at least 88 politicians killed and hundreds of candidates targeted. More
Rafael Romo, CNN (June 5, 2021): Mexico goes to the polls in elections marred by violence against candidates
Vanda Felbab-Brown, Brookings Institution (June 4, 2021): The profound issues at stake in Mexico’s midterms
Maria Elena Little Endara, Voice of America (June 4, 2021): The Risky Job of Covering Local Elections in Mexico
Francesco Manetto, El País (June 1, 2021): The battle for northern Mexico: border states check president’s electoral power
Kate Linthicum, Los Angeles Times (May 31, 2021): AMLO wants to transform Mexico. An election may stop him
Argentina Provincial Elections in Misiones: June 6, 2021 and Jujuy: June 27, 2021, followed by Midterm Legislative Elections: November 14, 2021 (postponed from October)
Argentina’s Misiones Province in the far north of the country holds provincial elections on June 6, and nearby Jujuy on June 27. Although most of the country’s 23 provinces hold their elections at the same time as presidential elections (which last took place in 2019 and are due again in 2023), a few are due to hold elections this year, ahead of midterm legislative elections due this fall.
Argentina’s 2021 elections – both provincial and legislative – are happening in the context of an economic crisis, which the leftist government and COVID-19 have exacerbated.
The Economist (June 5, 2021): Covid-19 is inspiring separatism in Argentina’s winelands
MercoPress (June 3, 2021): Argentine Senate passes bill to postpone primary, mid-term elections
Haiti Parliamentary Elections: September 19, 2021 and Presidential Election: Due in November 2021 (delays possible)
Haiti plans to hold long-overdue legislative elections on September 19, 2021, and also has a presidential election due later this year. However, the country is currently in a political crisis related to allegations of fraud followed Haiti’s presidential 2015 election. The international community, including the United States government, has called on Haiti’s officials to set a date for elections and end the crisis.
Haiti plans to hold a constitutional referendum on June 27, although the United States has raised concerns that it would just cause more political turmoil while helping President Jovenel Moise consolidate power. The opposition has called for protests against the referendum, which it deems unconstitutional, and a boycott. More
Vatican News (June 2, 2021): Haiti bishops oppose proposed changes to Constitution
Nicaragua General Elections: November 7, 2021
Nicaragua holds general elections on November 7, 2021. President Daniel Ortega, who has been in power for 20 years, will seek another term, and under his rule, Nicaragua has become increasingly authoritarian, with rule of law and fundamental freedoms under assault.
José de Córdoba, Wall Street Journal (June 6, 2021): Nicaragua Detains Second Opposition Presidential Candidate: Arturo Cruz’s detention comes days after Nicaraguan police placed a leading Ortega opponent under house arrest
Tiziano Breda, World Politics Review (June 4, 2021): As Ortega Tightens His Grip, Nicaragua Braces for Volatile Elections
Arzu Daniel, Axios (June 4, 2021): Nicaragua: Us State Department Urges Daniel Ortega Regime To Release Opposition Leader Christiana Chamorro
Chile Presidential and Legislative Elections: November 21, 2021
Chile holds presidential and legislative elections in November (with presidential primaries on July 4). These elections follow the May 2021 local elections, and importantly, elections to the Constitutional Assembly.
Incumbent president Sebastian Pinera, from the center-right Chile Vamos coalition, is not running for another term. He currently has low approval ratings, posing a challenge for his party’s candidate (who will be chosen in the July primary election). Moreover, the conservatives failed to secure even one third of the Constitutional Assembly.
These elections are taking place in the context of a year of protests and riots, including violent looting, arson, and vandalism. Furthermore, an intense debate over the new constitution continues. More
Fitch Ratings (June 2, 2021): Chile Constituent Assembly Highlights Political Fragmentation
Al Jazeera (June 1, 2021): Chile president urges open dialogue in drafting new constitution
Venezuela Regional and Local Elections: November 21, 2021
Venezuela has scheduled regional and local elections for November 21, 2021. In December 2020, Venezuela held legislative elections despite members of the opposition and international community calling for a delay in order to ensure credible, fair elections. Ultimately, most of the opposition boycotted; however, opposition parties appear willing to participate in the elections this year.
Alex Vasquez, Bloomberg (June 6, 2021): Why Maduro Rival Now Wants to Talk to, Not Topple Him: QuickTake
Cody Weddle and Andrea Torres, WPLG Local 10 (June 4, 2021): Venezuelan opposition gears up for regional elections in November
The Economist (June 5, 2021): Venezuela’s strongman wants better relations with the United States: Nicolás Maduro might even go easier on the opposition in exchange
Colombia Legislative Elections: March 13, 2022 and Presidential Election: May 29, 2022
Colombia is due to hold presidential and legislative elections in spring 2022. Conservative Ivan Duque, elected president in 2018, is constitutionally barred from running for re-election. One of the frontrunners to replace him is former left-wing guerilla Gustavo Petro, who placed second in 2018. The country has been rocked by riots in recent weeks. The proximate cause was a tax bill, but the protests have grown – and grown violent – and dozens have died.
Cody Weddle and Andrea Torres, WPLG Local 10 (June 3, 2021): Colombian protests continue: Leftist politician accused of turning mob against ambulances
Stefano Pozzebon, CNN (June 1, 2021): Amid escalating violence, Colombia sends in troops
Brazil Presidential and Legislative Elections: October 2, 2022
Brazil holds general elections in October 2022. Jair Bolsonaro, the right-wing populist firebrand president, is up for re-election. Former president Lula da Silva, himself a populist firebrand of the left-wing variety, will run against him. The country remains deeply polarized between right and left, although some are searching for a third candidate to challenge both Bolsonaro and Lula. More
Anthony Boadle, Reuters (June 2, 2021): Analysis: Politicking general puts Bolsonaro at odds with army leaders
Americas Elections Coming Up in 2021 and 2022
Mexico Midterm Legislative Elections and Some Gubernatorial Elections: June 6, 2021
Peru Presidential Runoff: June 6, 2021
Argentina Misiones Provincial Elections: June 6, 2021
Aruba Parliamentary Elections: June 25, 2021
Argentina Jujuy Provincial Elections: June 27, 2021
Haiti Constitutional Referendum: June 27, 2021
Saint Lucia Parliamentary Elections: July 5, 2021 (tentative)
Haiti Presidential and Legislative Elections: September 19, 2021
Paraguay Municipal Elections: October 10, 2021
Nicaragua Presidential and Legislative Elections: November 7, 2021
Argentina Midterm Legislative Elections: November 14, 2021
Chile Presidential and Legislative Elections: November 21, 2021
Venezuela Regional and Local Elections: November 21, 2021
Honduras Presidential and Legislative Elections: November 28, 2021
Guyana Local Elections: Due in 2021
Costa Rica Presidential and Legislative Elections: February 6, 2022
Colombia Legislative Elections: March 13, 2022
Colombia Presidential Election: May 29, 2022
Bahamas Parliamentary Elections: May 2022 (due – snap elections possible)
Brazil Presidential and Legislative Elections: October 2, 2022
21votes does not necessarily agree with all of the opinions expressed in the linked articles; rather, our goal is to curate a wide range of voices. Furthermore, none of the individuals or organizations referenced have reviewed 21votes’ content. That is to say, their inclusion should not be taken to imply that they endorse us in any way. More on our approach here.
Americas This Week: June 5, 2021
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Last Updated: June 15, 2021 by 21votes
June 5, 2021
Your weekly roundup of news and analysis of elections in the Americas, usually posted on Saturdays and occasionally updated throughout the week. For a full electoral calendar and interactive map, click here.
Upcoming Americas Elections
Peru Presidential Runoff: June 6, 2021
Peru held general elections for April 11, 2021. These elections are coming on the heels of snap legislative elections that took place on January 26, 2020, and in the context of political turmoil – including the impeachment of President Martín Vizcarra and the subsequent “week of three presidents” – and an economic crisis brought on by COVID-19.
The presidential runoff will pit self-described Marxist Pedro Castillo against right-wing populist Keiko Fujimori, daughter of former president Alberto Fujimori, who is currently in prison for various crimes (Keiko is also currently facing criminal charges). Castillo came out of nowhere to win the first round. However, none of the 18 candidates received more votes than the number of blank ballots cast – a sign of voters’ deep frustration. More
Camilo Gómez, BBC (June 5, 2021): Peru election: Country on edge ahead of unpredictable run-off
Ryan Dube, Wall Street Journal (June 5, 2021): Peru to Choose Far-Left Teacher or Right-Wing Politician as Next President
Patrick J. McDonnell, Los Angeles Times (June 5, 2021): Charges, communism, COVID-19 and a controversial name in Peruvian politics define an election
Mexico Legislative, Gubernatorial, and Local Elections: June 6, 2021
Mexico holds high-stakes midterm legislative elections, as well as gubernatorial elections in 15 of Mexico’s 31 states, and local elections, on June 6, 2021. In total, more than 21,000 offices are at stake – the biggest elections in Mexico’s history.
These elections will be a key test for left-wing populist firebrand Andrés Manuel López Obrador (frequently called AMLO) ahead of the 2024 presidential election. AMLO, who has been governing in an increasingly authoritarian manner, wants to transform Mexico by jettisoning the market economy. If he is to succeed, his MORENA party will need to win a super-majority in the legislature.
Meanwhile, political violence is on the rise, with at least 88 politicians killed and hundreds of candidates targeted. More
Rafael Romo, CNN (June 5, 2021): Mexico goes to the polls in elections marred by violence against candidates
Vanda Felbab-Brown, Brookings Institution (June 4, 2021): The profound issues at stake in Mexico’s midterms
Maria Elena Little Endara, Voice of America (June 4, 2021): The Risky Job of Covering Local Elections in Mexico
Francesco Manetto, El País (June 1, 2021): The battle for northern Mexico: border states check president’s electoral power
Kate Linthicum, Los Angeles Times (May 31, 2021): AMLO wants to transform Mexico. An election may stop him
Argentina Provincial Elections in Misiones: June 6, 2021 and Jujuy: June 27, 2021, followed by Midterm Legislative Elections: November 14, 2021 (postponed from October)
Argentina’s Misiones Province in the far north of the country holds provincial elections on June 6, and nearby Jujuy on June 27. Although most of the country’s 23 provinces hold their elections at the same time as presidential elections (which last took place in 2019 and are due again in 2023), a few are due to hold elections this year, ahead of midterm legislative elections due this fall.
Argentina’s 2021 elections – both provincial and legislative – are happening in the context of an economic crisis, which the leftist government and COVID-19 have exacerbated.
The Economist (June 5, 2021): Covid-19 is inspiring separatism in Argentina’s winelands
MercoPress (June 3, 2021): Argentine Senate passes bill to postpone primary, mid-term elections
Haiti Parliamentary Elections: September 19, 2021 and Presidential Election: Due in November 2021 (delays possible)
Haiti plans to hold long-overdue legislative elections on September 19, 2021, and also has a presidential election due later this year. However, the country is currently in a political crisis related to allegations of fraud followed Haiti’s presidential 2015 election. The international community, including the United States government, has called on Haiti’s officials to set a date for elections and end the crisis.
Haiti plans to hold a constitutional referendum on June 27, although the United States has raised concerns that it would just cause more political turmoil while helping President Jovenel Moise consolidate power. The opposition has called for protests against the referendum, which it deems unconstitutional, and a boycott. More
Vatican News (June 2, 2021): Haiti bishops oppose proposed changes to Constitution
Nicaragua General Elections: November 7, 2021
Nicaragua holds general elections on November 7, 2021. President Daniel Ortega, who has been in power for 20 years, will seek another term, and under his rule, Nicaragua has become increasingly authoritarian, with rule of law and fundamental freedoms under assault.
José de Córdoba, Wall Street Journal (June 6, 2021): Nicaragua Detains Second Opposition Presidential Candidate: Arturo Cruz’s detention comes days after Nicaraguan police placed a leading Ortega opponent under house arrest
Tiziano Breda, World Politics Review (June 4, 2021): As Ortega Tightens His Grip, Nicaragua Braces for Volatile Elections
Arzu Daniel, Axios (June 4, 2021): Nicaragua: Us State Department Urges Daniel Ortega Regime To Release Opposition Leader Christiana Chamorro
Chile Presidential and Legislative Elections: November 21, 2021
Chile holds presidential and legislative elections in November (with presidential primaries on July 4). These elections follow the May 2021 local elections, and importantly, elections to the Constitutional Assembly.
Incumbent president Sebastian Pinera, from the center-right Chile Vamos coalition, is not running for another term. He currently has low approval ratings, posing a challenge for his party’s candidate (who will be chosen in the July primary election). Moreover, the conservatives failed to secure even one third of the Constitutional Assembly.
These elections are taking place in the context of a year of protests and riots, including violent looting, arson, and vandalism. Furthermore, an intense debate over the new constitution continues. More
Fitch Ratings (June 2, 2021): Chile Constituent Assembly Highlights Political Fragmentation
Al Jazeera (June 1, 2021): Chile president urges open dialogue in drafting new constitution
Venezuela Regional and Local Elections: November 21, 2021
Venezuela has scheduled regional and local elections for November 21, 2021. In December 2020, Venezuela held legislative elections despite members of the opposition and international community calling for a delay in order to ensure credible, fair elections. Ultimately, most of the opposition boycotted; however, opposition parties appear willing to participate in the elections this year.
Alex Vasquez, Bloomberg (June 6, 2021): Why Maduro Rival Now Wants to Talk to, Not Topple Him: QuickTake
Cody Weddle and Andrea Torres, WPLG Local 10 (June 4, 2021): Venezuelan opposition gears up for regional elections in November
The Economist (June 5, 2021): Venezuela’s strongman wants better relations with the United States: Nicolás Maduro might even go easier on the opposition in exchange
Colombia Legislative Elections: March 13, 2022 and Presidential Election: May 29, 2022
Colombia is due to hold presidential and legislative elections in spring 2022. Conservative Ivan Duque, elected president in 2018, is constitutionally barred from running for re-election. One of the frontrunners to replace him is former left-wing guerilla Gustavo Petro, who placed second in 2018. The country has been rocked by riots in recent weeks. The proximate cause was a tax bill, but the protests have grown – and grown violent – and dozens have died.
Cody Weddle and Andrea Torres, WPLG Local 10 (June 3, 2021): Colombian protests continue: Leftist politician accused of turning mob against ambulances
Stefano Pozzebon, CNN (June 1, 2021): Amid escalating violence, Colombia sends in troops
Brazil Presidential and Legislative Elections: October 2, 2022
Brazil holds general elections in October 2022. Jair Bolsonaro, the right-wing populist firebrand president, is up for re-election. Former president Lula da Silva, himself a populist firebrand of the left-wing variety, will run against him. The country remains deeply polarized between right and left, although some are searching for a third candidate to challenge both Bolsonaro and Lula. More
Anthony Boadle, Reuters (June 2, 2021): Analysis: Politicking general puts Bolsonaro at odds with army leaders
Americas Elections Coming Up in 2021 and 2022
Mexico Midterm Legislative Elections and Some Gubernatorial Elections: June 6, 2021
Peru Presidential Runoff: June 6, 2021
Argentina Misiones Provincial Elections: June 6, 2021
Aruba Parliamentary Elections: June 25, 2021
Argentina Jujuy Provincial Elections: June 27, 2021
Haiti Constitutional Referendum: June 27, 2021
Saint Lucia Parliamentary Elections: July 5, 2021 (tentative)
Haiti Presidential and Legislative Elections: September 19, 2021
Paraguay Municipal Elections: October 10, 2021
Nicaragua Presidential and Legislative Elections: November 7, 2021
Argentina Midterm Legislative Elections: November 14, 2021
Chile Presidential and Legislative Elections: November 21, 2021
Venezuela Regional and Local Elections: November 21, 2021
Honduras Presidential and Legislative Elections: November 28, 2021
Guyana Local Elections: Due in 2021
Costa Rica Presidential and Legislative Elections: February 6, 2022
Colombia Legislative Elections: March 13, 2022
Colombia Presidential Election: May 29, 2022
Bahamas Parliamentary Elections: May 2022 (due – snap elections possible)
Brazil Presidential and Legislative Elections: October 2, 2022
21votes does not necessarily agree with all of the opinions expressed in the linked articles; rather, our goal is to curate a wide range of voices. Furthermore, none of the individuals or organizations referenced have reviewed 21votes’ content. That is to say, their inclusion should not be taken to imply that they endorse us in any way. More on our approach here.
Category: This Week Tags: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Haiti, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Venezuela