21votes seeks to curate a wide variety of voices and perspectives. Our team doesn’t agree with or endorse every opinion in every article. Rather, we value diversity over uniformity. Our curation of news and opinion reflects that view.
21votes believes in the value of vigorous debate and the importance of engaging with a variety of different opinions and ideologies. However, we generally don’t give a mic to those who would make excuses for would-be autocrats or erode democracy. The global community of democrats has many views and voices, and this site seeks to help readers understand the debates that shape the politics of our century.
21votes is an independent platform. None of the organizations or individuals we cite have reviewed our content, and their inclusion should not be taken to imply that they endorse us in any way.
Perspective and Approach
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Last Updated: September 11, 2022 by 21votes
21votes seeks to curate a wide variety of voices and perspectives. Our team doesn’t agree with or endorse every opinion in every article. Rather, we value diversity over uniformity. Our curation of news and opinion reflects that view.
21votes believes in the value of vigorous debate and the importance of engaging with a variety of different opinions and ideologies. However, we generally don’t give a mic to those who would make excuses for would-be autocrats or erode democracy. The global community of democrats has many views and voices, and this site seeks to help readers understand the debates that shape the politics of our century.
21votes is an independent platform. None of the organizations or individuals we cite have reviewed our content, and their inclusion should not be taken to imply that they endorse us in any way.
Category: Uncategorized