November 10, 2020
Your weekly roundup of news and analysis of elections in the greater Middle East and North Africa. For a full electoral calendar and interactive map, click here.

Tabulating votes in Jordan’s 2016 elections. Photo credit: Wikimedia/Mohammad hajeer (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Upcoming Middle East Elections
Jordan Parliamentary Elections: November 10, 2020
Jordan held parliamentary elections on November 10, 2020. Turnout was low, and both women and Islamist candidates saw poor results. More
Osama Al Sharif, Al-Monitor (November 12, 2020): Voter apathy, pandemic result in low turnout, riots in Jordanian election
AFP (November 12, 2020): Jordanian parliamentary elections see women, Islamists lose out
Nicole Robinson, Heritage Foundation (November 10, 2020): Jordanians Head to the Polls Amid Mounting Economic and Health Crisis
Al Jazeera (November 8, 2020): Jordan’s elections explained in 500 words
Pakistan, Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly Elections: November 15, 2020
Gilgit-Baltistan, the Pakistan-administered part of Kashmir, holds elections for its legislative assembly on November 15, 2020. The elections are taking place in the context of the dispute between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, as well as increased Chinese presence due to Belt and Road. More
Sana Jamal, Gulf News (November 8, 2020): Political and religious parties step up efforts to win 2020 Gilgit-Baltistan elections
Sajjad Ahmad, Dawn (November 8, 2020): GB’s historic polls
Kuwait Parliamentary Elections: December 5, 2020
Kuwait is holding parliamentary elections on December 5, 2020. As could be expected, COVID-19 and the government’s response is shaping public debate ahead of the elections. Meanwhile, populism is on the rise, exacerbated by the pandemic and falling oil prices. As a result, questions of citizenship look likely to play a role in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
All of this is happening in the context of the September 29 death of the emir, Sheikh Sabah, who had been emir since 2006 and prior to that was foreign minister for 40 years. More
Yasmena Al Mulla, Arab News (November 5, 2020) Explainer: Everything you need to know about the 2020 Kuwaiti parliamentary elections
Libya Local Elections (ongoing in various places) and Parliamentary and Presidential Elections: December 24, 2021 (tentative)
Libya’s national elections are overdue and have been postponed indefinitely due to the political crisis and civil war. However, in November 2020, Libyan stakeholders participating in UN-sponsored talks proposed December 24, 2021 for presidential and parliamentary elections. Meanwhile, some local elections have been taking place in various cities. More
Al Jazeera (November 13, 2020): Libya talks set December 2021 date for elections
Reuters November 10, 2020): Prominent critic of Haftar’s abuses shot dead in Libya’s Benghazi
Iraq Early Parliamentary Elections: June 6, 2021 (tentative) and Provincial Elections (due)
Iraq’s government has proposed holding snap parliamentary elections on June 6, 2021, one year early, following the demands of protesters. However, parliament still has to pass a new electoral law and allocate a budget for the elections in order for them to actually happen. Therefore, the date remains tentative.
Iraq is also due to hold provincial (sometimes called governorate) elections this year, in which voters will elect provincial councils. Originally scheduled for December 2018, these elections have been delayed multiple times following controversial national elections in May 2018 (the first since the defeat of ISIS).
These elections are taking place in the context of widespread protest and political instability. More
AP (November 8, 2020): Iraq ratifies new election law, paving way for early vote
Khazan Jangiz, Rudaw (November 10, 2020): France donates 1 million EUR to Iraq elections project
Morocco Legislative and Local Elections: Summer/Fall 2021 (due)
Morocco is due to hold legislative, provincial, and local elections in fall and summer 2021. However, the three biggest political parties have called for a delay due to COVID-19. Local media are reporting that a source has indicated that all three sets of elections will take place on a single day in September 2021, but no date has been confirmed yet. The elections are taking place in the context of discontentment and disillusionment. More
Yahia Hatim, Morocco World News (November 9, 2020): Morocco’s 2021 General Elections to Take Place in September
Qatar Shura Council Elections: October 2021
Qatar has announced that it will hold its first-ever parliamentary elections in October 2021. More
Horizon Media (November 4, 2020): International Community welcomes Parliamentary elections in Qatar
Simeon Kerr, Financial Times (November 3, 2020): Qatar sets date for long-promised elections
Israel Parliamentary Elections: Due in 2023, but snap elections possible
Israel might be headed to its fourth general election in less than two years if the unity government of Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz collapses. More
Gil Hoffman, Jerusalem Post (November 10, 2020): Benny Gantz warns election to be initiated soon
i24 News (November 8, 2020): Gantz, Bennett hold talks on new Israeli elections: report
Past Middle East Elections
Egypt Parliamentary Elections: October-November 2020
Egypt held elections for both houses of parliament this year. More
Samy Magdy, AP (November 7, 2020): Egyptians vote in 2nd stage of parliamentary election
21votes does not necessarily agree with all of the opinions expressed in the linked articles; rather, our goal is to curate a wide range of voices. Furthermore, none of the individuals or organizations referenced have reviewed 21votes’ content, and their inclusion should not be taken to imply that they endorse us in any way. More on our approach here.
Middle East This Week: November 10, 2020
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Last Updated: November 21, 2020 by 21votes
November 10, 2020
Your weekly roundup of news and analysis of elections in the greater Middle East and North Africa. For a full electoral calendar and interactive map, click here.
Tabulating votes in Jordan’s 2016 elections. Photo credit: Wikimedia/Mohammad hajeer (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Upcoming Middle East Elections
Jordan Parliamentary Elections: November 10, 2020
Jordan held parliamentary elections on November 10, 2020. Turnout was low, and both women and Islamist candidates saw poor results. More
Osama Al Sharif, Al-Monitor (November 12, 2020): Voter apathy, pandemic result in low turnout, riots in Jordanian election
AFP (November 12, 2020): Jordanian parliamentary elections see women, Islamists lose out
Nicole Robinson, Heritage Foundation (November 10, 2020): Jordanians Head to the Polls Amid Mounting Economic and Health Crisis
Al Jazeera (November 8, 2020): Jordan’s elections explained in 500 words
Pakistan, Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly Elections: November 15, 2020
Gilgit-Baltistan, the Pakistan-administered part of Kashmir, holds elections for its legislative assembly on November 15, 2020. The elections are taking place in the context of the dispute between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, as well as increased Chinese presence due to Belt and Road. More
Sana Jamal, Gulf News (November 8, 2020): Political and religious parties step up efforts to win 2020 Gilgit-Baltistan elections
Sajjad Ahmad, Dawn (November 8, 2020): GB’s historic polls
Kuwait Parliamentary Elections: December 5, 2020
Kuwait is holding parliamentary elections on December 5, 2020. As could be expected, COVID-19 and the government’s response is shaping public debate ahead of the elections. Meanwhile, populism is on the rise, exacerbated by the pandemic and falling oil prices. As a result, questions of citizenship look likely to play a role in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
All of this is happening in the context of the September 29 death of the emir, Sheikh Sabah, who had been emir since 2006 and prior to that was foreign minister for 40 years. More
Yasmena Al Mulla, Arab News (November 5, 2020) Explainer: Everything you need to know about the 2020 Kuwaiti parliamentary elections
Libya Local Elections (ongoing in various places) and Parliamentary and Presidential Elections: December 24, 2021 (tentative)
Libya’s national elections are overdue and have been postponed indefinitely due to the political crisis and civil war. However, in November 2020, Libyan stakeholders participating in UN-sponsored talks proposed December 24, 2021 for presidential and parliamentary elections. Meanwhile, some local elections have been taking place in various cities. More
Al Jazeera (November 13, 2020): Libya talks set December 2021 date for elections
Reuters November 10, 2020): Prominent critic of Haftar’s abuses shot dead in Libya’s Benghazi
Iraq Early Parliamentary Elections: June 6, 2021 (tentative) and Provincial Elections (due)
Iraq’s government has proposed holding snap parliamentary elections on June 6, 2021, one year early, following the demands of protesters. However, parliament still has to pass a new electoral law and allocate a budget for the elections in order for them to actually happen. Therefore, the date remains tentative.
Iraq is also due to hold provincial (sometimes called governorate) elections this year, in which voters will elect provincial councils. Originally scheduled for December 2018, these elections have been delayed multiple times following controversial national elections in May 2018 (the first since the defeat of ISIS).
These elections are taking place in the context of widespread protest and political instability. More
AP (November 8, 2020): Iraq ratifies new election law, paving way for early vote
Khazan Jangiz, Rudaw (November 10, 2020): France donates 1 million EUR to Iraq elections project
Morocco Legislative and Local Elections: Summer/Fall 2021 (due)
Morocco is due to hold legislative, provincial, and local elections in fall and summer 2021. However, the three biggest political parties have called for a delay due to COVID-19. Local media are reporting that a source has indicated that all three sets of elections will take place on a single day in September 2021, but no date has been confirmed yet. The elections are taking place in the context of discontentment and disillusionment. More
Yahia Hatim, Morocco World News (November 9, 2020): Morocco’s 2021 General Elections to Take Place in September
Qatar Shura Council Elections: October 2021
Qatar has announced that it will hold its first-ever parliamentary elections in October 2021. More
Horizon Media (November 4, 2020): International Community welcomes Parliamentary elections in Qatar
Simeon Kerr, Financial Times (November 3, 2020): Qatar sets date for long-promised elections
Israel Parliamentary Elections: Due in 2023, but snap elections possible
Israel might be headed to its fourth general election in less than two years if the unity government of Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz collapses. More
Gil Hoffman, Jerusalem Post (November 10, 2020): Benny Gantz warns election to be initiated soon
i24 News (November 8, 2020): Gantz, Bennett hold talks on new Israeli elections: report
Past Middle East Elections
Egypt Parliamentary Elections: October-November 2020
Egypt held elections for both houses of parliament this year. More
Samy Magdy, AP (November 7, 2020): Egyptians vote in 2nd stage of parliamentary election
21votes does not necessarily agree with all of the opinions expressed in the linked articles; rather, our goal is to curate a wide range of voices. Furthermore, none of the individuals or organizations referenced have reviewed 21votes’ content, and their inclusion should not be taken to imply that they endorse us in any way. More on our approach here.
Category: This Week Tags: Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Pakistan, Qatar